
Thursday, August 3, 2017

Kiwisport Reflection

IALT: Work together as a team in kiwi sport.

Image result for Hip Hop
Last week on Monday Rm 9 went to the hall and did kiwi sport what we did for kiwi sport was Hip Hop.Our Hip Hop teacher was called Jasmine she said she was from England and her language was kind of hard to pronounce we learned a bit few stuff we learned how to do the smurf,James Brown and other sort of stuff she played some songs for us to learn how to dance like a street dancer and a hip hop guy.We learned what was Graffiti and how to rap and art and some hip hop stuff after that we thanks Jasmine for teaching us lots of stuff about Hip Hop.Thanks for Reading that's all for my Kiwi sport Reflection.

Hope you enjoy🙂🙂🙂
Have a nice day🔆🔆

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